Slick Haven Shifty Beggar Pomade, produced by the renowned brand Slickhaven, is a true revolution in hair care and styling.
This water-based gel-like pomade is characterized by its clay content, which gives a matte finish and gives full texture, so you can achieve a perfect hairstyle.
Shifty Beggar is a hair styling product with unmatched versatility. It is perfect for classic, elegant combed hairstyles, but is also perfect for more daring and modern styles. Whether you're going for subtle elegance or a bold look, this pomade gives you the tools you need to achieve the look you want.
Shifty Beggar offers a unique experience for the senses. The fragrance is a real aromatic journey. Notes by i.a. oriental fern, anise, wood, tobacco and moss create a unique aroma that will leave an unforgettable impression.
Experience the difference with Slickhaven and turn your daily hair styling into a luxury experience.